About Adorn
My name is Sandy. I was born in PNG and raised in beautiful Fiji!
I live a small and grateful life in a little beach community in Fiji called Pacific Harbour (where I have lived my whole life) and now with my 8 year old daughter, spending my days as a mum and making island jewelry! I live in an old character filled apartment where I can see the ocean from my windows. Our community is small - my Kindy teacher is now my daughters teacher - such a beautiful thing!
I started Adorn when my daughter was a few months old, putting her down for a nap and rushing to my laptop to build my website, or fill in business forms, or source gold suppliers who could ship to Fiji. I didn’t have a car back then, I'd walk and catch buses, baby at hip. The prep work went on for almost a year until I was ready to launch!
You could say I have two babies!
Integrating my daily life and my jewelry life has become second nature. (I’d say my 'worklife' but it's not work if you love it and I can say that truthfully!) My daughter has been to many a department store meetings, beach photo shoots or market sales events. She has a craft table next to my workbench and pretends to make jewelry. I have always worked from a studio/spare room at home out of convenience. It is also why, if you message me at 10 pm asking which pearls I have available you might receive a real time photo reply. It works for my lifestyle!
When my daughter says she will also make jewelry one day, it makes my heart burst!
Adorn is not just a creative outlet, it also supports us, is a way of life and I hope to build my brand big enough to one day pass on to my daughter and become the Pacific’s go-to for beautiful authentic Island jewelry.
The name Adorn Pacific refers to adorning yourself in jewels and Pacific is an ode to my Fiji hometown- Pacific Harbour and the Pacific Islands which the designs represent.
As a kid, time spent with my dad meant days out on the ocean gamefishing. Big boats and big fish, yellow fin, marlin, mahi mahi. While my dad and his friends fished, I made jewelry from his tackle box! Dad showed me how to use pliers, every knot under the sun. I raided his wire, braid, cord, sinkers, crimps. I made sparkly lure earrings. I got in trouble a few somes for cutting up what I now realise are very expensive sparkly game fishing lures! We would stop off at an island called Leleuvia where his friend lived and I would collect shells and beach treasures and string them all together. My sister was always out with me. She had no interest in my creations but I made her wear everything anyway.
Years on, my daughters dad is also a fisherman, and my crimping, knotting skills came in handy.... and I started thinking about jewelry again...
I make limited run, one-off and custom jewelry. I do this to keep the brand exciting and interesting not just for my customers but also for myself. As a creative, I love making as many new designs as I possibly can. There's nothing I love more than sitting down at my work bench with Jack Johnson playing, surrounded by wire, shells, pliers, Dremel tools and just getting lost in a world of experimenting and making. I use 925 Sterling Silver, 14k Gold Filled, Solid Gold, Fiji shells which my daughter and I collect on beach adventures, Fiji saltwater pearls farmed in a lagoon on Taveuni Island, hand cut and carved Fiji oyster shells and more.
Adorn is a wearable reflection of our worlds natural beauty. Designs are inspired by Pacific Island culture and imagery. I want you to feel as though you are quite literally wearing the islands!
I sell my jewels online because I LOVE the immediacy of social media. Tucked away in a tiny part of the world I can make a pair of earrings, post a photo and within seconds I can show the world - receive a payment, call FedEx, organise a pick up and off it goes! I pinch myself some days!
Selling directly online also means I can keep my jewels at a reasonable price. I make luxe, quality and unique jewels in a large price range so there is something for everyone. I post everyday on Instagram and in Insta stories. I post photos and videos as I'm making pieces, I ask my customers their ideas and opinions, I can communicate with my customers.
I post everything that I can behind the scenes of a small business in Fiji! From standing in queues at FRCS (TAX) stamping invoices to videos of me handing packages over to couriers, to beach days collecting shells. I would love to start a weekly vlog one day. I think jewelry should feel special and personal and a
business should be authentic and transparent.
I make it personal and wear my heart on my sleeve! If I receive a message from someone in the States who is homesick and says thank you for posting photos of the beach today, that just makes my day! I was in Sydney for Uni in my twenties and I know that feeling! Or if you have never been to Fiji, maybe you are curious to see a little snippet of island life...just daily life like buying pineapples from the side of the road.
I was recently able to open a lovely, bright and airy showroom space in Pacific Harbour as well. It has always been a dream of mine to have a combined workshop and showroom space - and now we are open, in the heart of the Arts Village, and are able to offer appointments, direct sales and pick up! Watch this space!
When I first started Adorn, it was just me, and it still is but I’m so happy that as I grow I can bring others along with me. Adorn is proudly Made in Fiji which is not an easy thing! Adorn now very happily financially supports local women who weave our packaging, local machinists who sew our gift bags, carvers who carve our oyster shells in bulk, I partner with Civa Fiji Pearls and use only Fiji farmed Salt water pearls (no imported China fresh water pearls here!) I use local graphic designers, local artists for custom gift cards, local print factories,
local fabric suppliers, the list goes on and I document it all daily on social media.
When you support Adorn you are not only supporting me. You know that saying that when you buy from a small business everyone does a little happy dance? That's Adorn!
Join Adorn Pacific on social media and follow the journey!